Ice vs. salt and shovel / 歴史へのまなざし

It got a little warmer, snow melted half, therefore streets are terribly tough to walk with dirty melted water at neighborhood. I enjoyed a cup of morning latter at Cafe Martin, read articles for a while, and then went back to home to do snow shoveling. This time’s harder than ever. Despite half melt snow, surface of the street was covered with hard ice. A snow plough I usually use never worked. So I bought bags of salt for melting.

Sprinkled the road with the salt, and waited. But it rarely helped, the ice was so strong!

A man working at a neighbor design studio helped me with stronger steel-made shovels. We used them and attacked the ice.

Well, we’ve done well, now the road is safe. But… soon it began raining. I guessed it would be iced again during the night. Was my work in vain? Better than nothing, hopefully.


誰だっけか、北海道に住む人がしていたツイートを思い出した。雪国に住むと、「やってもムダな抗いだけどやらないともっと酷くなること」の重要性を雪かきを通して学ぶことができるとかなんとか、そういうの。ここは雪国というほどではないけれど、まったく同感である。Better than nothing, hopefully. 世の中の仕事の多くはそういうものなんじゃないか、と思う。若いとイノベーションだのインパクトだの息巻くけど、雪かき的、あるいは沈みゆくボートから水をかき出す作業的なものってどうしても必要で、それが辛うじて社会を支えていたりもするのだろう。







Meet with Chagall / 現在から見た未来と未来からみた現在

After lining for almost one hour, I met with Chagall at the Jewish Museum on the last day of the Exhibition “Chagall Love, War and Exile.” The exhibition mainly focused on the era of WWII during which Chagall’s works highlighted his sorrow, anger and anxiety against the war and persecution on Jews (that also revoked his identity as Jewish). I really loved his early fantastic and beautiful works with silent night blue, but didn’t know well about the works of the era on the exhibition. These were, though still beautiful, astonishing and vivid expressions.I stopped and only kept standing by one of the works “Study for the Revolution.”





Visit to Red Hook Initiative / 生活問題としての「書くこと」

On Monday, I visited Red Hook Initiative, an organization to empower local community.

Crossing by red brick buildings, went down to Red Hook area from my neighborhood Park Slope.

Cross the river.

Then I found their base, within 20 minutes from home.

Red Hook is one of the areas seriously damaged by Hurricane Sandy in 2012. I contacted them to know their efforts and actions after Sandy. They are providing several programs such as an educational support for children and youth in community, setting wifi networks around the neighborhood to close digital divide. These days, they’ve launched a campaign named 500 FUTURES to call for support for youth empowerment. I attended an information session to tell us what they do and will do, and to involve more allies into their actions. What impressed me was that high school students themselves are also dedicating themselves to RHI activities. AT the session, 3 youth members made a small speech and self-introduction. Though they looked a little bit shy, I felt they are surely proud of what they do and where they live. I made a small talk with staffs, and now think about if I can do something for or with them by sharing my experience at Tohoku, disaster area in Japan.

On Tuesday, a brutal winter storm come to our town. Soon the street become covered with snow. I just stayed at home, and did my research work, without imagining about going out into the cold night.

On Wednesday, fortunately, storm ceased. I shoveled snow in front of the building again. I went to the cafe as usual, bought a cup of latte, and walked around streets in the quiet evening with a little breeze.






オンラインでin publicに書くのと、個人・コミュニティごとに話す・書くのと、二者択一でもなくって、うまくバランスとって社会で生きて、かつ表現してかにゃならん。


Life goes on as such

I still rarely do small talks with a silent master at a cafe near my house. I just order and he serves coffee without smile. But gradually he remembers my preference, last day he asked me “Latte?” before I order, and today he said “see you soon” when I leave. Life goes on as such, with subtle changes.
In the evening, I met with CJR members and talked about our symposium in March. Last month, still we couldn’t figure out what we will do and who we will invite for the third year anniversary after the northern east disaster in Japan, but these two weeks we had progresses. Soon we’ll finalize guests and venue and publish ads.
At night, went to an event by RICOH, “Beauty Beyond Boundaries,” which highlights RICOH’s new product “THETA,” spherical camera.



In society / とどまる

Sometimes when I’m writing, I suddenly feel myself crazy. My thoughts sound abnormal, far from standard in society. Today was such a day. Almost became embarrassed or depressed. Safely I met with friends in the evening. A duck noodle I ate at a Thai food restaurant with them was delicious. While I was talking with them, or eating it, I realized again each people in the world, though having lots of sufferings and challenges for each one’s life, still manage to live a day, and keep going on. This simple fact saves me, encourages me, and remains me in society.

文章を書いてるとだんだん俺頭おかしいんじゃないかという感じになって社会生活に差し障りが出る。なんでまたインターネットに向かって言葉を投げているのだと、自分が狂人なんじゃないかという気がしてくる。生きるのが恥ずかしくなる。書いている文章も、世の中の皆様に害悪をまき散らしているに過ぎないような気がしてくる。こういうのは定期的に来る。しかし、セーフだ。夕方、友人と会う。近況を聞く。仕事、学業、子育て…今日もみんなはそれぞれ踏ん張って、どうにかこうにか生きている。晩飯にタイ料理やで食ったDuck Noodleが旨い。ちょうどまた調べ物の仕事が来た。忙しくできる。それらの事実に、社会との接点に助けられる。ふみとどまる。

Welcome to America with a suspended degree

It was first time to come to campus after the year-end. I met a friend and her research colleague and had lunch together. She was in the same cohort during the first semester and also an international student from China. We were struggling with terrible classes and exams every week, but it’s almost one-year before and now we can just laugh on it.

Yes, it’s over. I’ve done all the program last month, and should receive MPH degree soon. But, here’s America, things don’t go smoothly. The reason why I came to campus today was, to talk with Dean of Students on a issue of my registration and tuition status which prevents my degree certificate. Last month on 19th, while I’m working on finals, suddenly the Office of Student Affairs emailed me “You owe school $16,754 in tuition, and cannot get a degree until you pay” “What!? I took all the course necessary to graduate and paid tuition each semester as billed!” After emails and phone calls now I figured out what happened on me. Columbia MPH Health Policy Management Department has choices of 16-month and 2-year programs, but most of us take 16-month one as default. But I was mistakenly registered as 2-year program as default, and neither I and my department faculties knew that, cos the office of Student Affairs never told or warned that. Tuition is based on flat rate, not per credit base for our school, and 2-year and 16-month programs have different rate per semester. So, accumulated difference of tuition per semester is now billed at one time, at the end of the year. OK, now I understand the official correct tuition for my 16-month program was higher than I paid, and agree I need to pay the remaining for graduation. But who expects $16,754 is billed at one time? If I was correctly placed on the 16-month program and told the correct tuition per semester, I could have taken actions to prepare money earlier.

The office closed from the week of Christmas. I checked all the previous document and email related to registration and tuition, and confirmed I had no fault. Then, today I met with the Dean of Students. They admitted their fault and gave me apology, but told they can nothing to do that happened. Because of segmented departments, Office of Student Affairs cannot compensate anything or discount anymore. They confirmed me to write any documentation to prove my academic qualification if necessary anytime, but an “official” MPH degree will be never issued unless I pay extra. I gave up cos it’s waste of time and needs further stress and energy if I sue them. Hopefully I can prepare money within a year by working hard.

年末急に降ってきたトラブル。プログラムの登録ミスで、僕に請求されていた学費の額が間違えており、正しく登録されていれば支払うべき学費に$16,000ほど足りない、支払うまで学位は出せないという通知が突然学生課の方から来た。僕は入学を一年延期したのだけど、その合格・延期・入学の間に学部のプログラムが変わり、そのとばっちりで登録ミスがあったのだけど、見落とされていたようだ。こちらにミスはなく、請求された額を遅滞なく払っており、過去のメールからもその違いを認識する余地はなかった。正規の額を払う分には文句ないが、いくらなんでも突然年末に言い渡され(謝罪もなく)、あと2ヶ月で用意しろと言われても無理がある。そりゃおかしいでしょ、なんでそんなことが起こったんですかと、学部・学生課の担当者に聞いてもお互い「分からない、あっちに聞け」となすりつけ合うばかり。結局今日、Dean of Studentsと話すことになった。結論から言うと、誤ってはくれたけど、支払いと学位の件は、担当部署が違うからどうにもならないと。ちゃんと学業を収めてMPHに値する能力がある旨を説明する書類は、必要となったらいつでも発行してくれるとのことだが、正式なMPH学位は支払いが終わるまでペンディング。Late feeは取られないし、まぁ4月からの勤め先も理解あるところなので、学位なんぞの紙切れがなくても人生に支障ないのだけど、それにしても納得がいかない。お金はまぁ、1年働けば用意できる、と思う。しかし今回被った迷惑に対する慰謝料とか、減免措置とかは無し。日本でお金を稼ぐから、支払う際もアメリカの口座への振替手数料かかるのだけど、そういうのも負担してくれるわけでもなし。訴訟とか面倒だから、これで我慢するしかないけど。なんだかなぁ。NY暮らしが長い友人には、Welcome to Americaって言われた(笑)

Shovel again / 昼夜逆転、長い1日

It’s getting colder and colder. Snow keeps mounting. Owner of the building told me it was not enough that I shoveled snow yesterday. Yes, sorry, I wrote I did snow shoveling yesterday, but actually I never knew enough what is snow shoveling. Yesterday I saw other community residents just moderately shoveled snow so people at least managed to walk through, so I did the same. But it’s not enough. If I left small amount of snow on surface of the street, it would ice up during the night and cause people slipping, that’s too dangerous. A senior man in the same building taught and helped me shoveling again, asking me “Where’s your hometown?” I answered Kobe, west side of Japan where snow rarely piles, and he said “that’s why you don’t know how.”

This is how I should have done.

Even just for living a day, there is a plenty of learning.

In the afternoon, I worked at our new gallery, J-LABO Brooklyn. I painted pipes by white paint. It looks easy and simple job, but still needs some knowledge about accurate mix of paint and water to paint smoothly each material at each situation, without letting color splattered on clothes, walls and the floor. After struggling with Sunday DIY job, the owner gave us warm and delicious soup for dinner. Outside is still awful cold.

先月に大学院が一段落ついてから、調査研究の仕事にようやく本腰を入れられるようになり、年末からほとんど机に向かって過ごしている。日本の人と一緒にやっていて、あちらの1月7日にけっこう大事な中間報告のタイミングとして検討会があるから、ここ数日は特に激しい追い込み。だんだんと昼夜逆転気味になってくる。5日と6日は2日間というより長い1日だったという感覚がある。ともあれ、こちらの6日夕方、あちらの7日朝には一段落ついた。精度の国際比較というのは難しい。まずもって言語の壁がある。英語ならまだ良いのだけど、僕が担当している国のひとつはスウェーデンだから、なかなか大変。Google Translateにお世話になっている。また、一次データの収集方法も違うから、相互に比較分析可能なようにデータを整理するのが重要だ。最後に資料や報告書をまとめる段階には、脚注をしっかり示さなければならないのだけど、普段からの整理整頓を怠っていると、メモ書きの引用元がどこにあったかと探すのにまた時間がかかる。振り返ると色々もう少し効率的に早くできたなと反省することもしばしば。調査事業は3月までで、現地調査は昨年秋に行った。あとは本当に報告書をまとめるペーパーワークの段階。緻密に、丁寧に、調べてまとめてのプロセス。しっかりやろう。

Snow and Latte

Little earlier than last year, winter storm has come. My town Brooklyn are filled with snow, of course in front of my building. Maybe it is just the second or third time for me to shovel out.

Chilly cold, but it’s ok, good exercise. Street is brighter than usual, thanks to snow reflecting the sunlight.

All the trash, refuse, recyclable materials that I and other residents threw at night, are covered with white.

After that, I went to my favorite cafe near my house. When I stand by the counter to order, the cafe master, a dandy middle aged man, quiet with little words, asked me “Latte?,” and I found that he’s remembered everytime I ordered latte. Unfortunately, today I took a cup of regular coffee! But it was still happy to know that my life in this town is peacefully continuing from 2013 to now, 2014.


Snow allows me breathe / 心のヒマ

雪降りて 閑のとまりし メトロかな
Train easily stops or delays in this town, especially a day with such a weather. Today NY had the third snow this winter. These days I’m packed with many final papers, presentations and exams for the semester end (and for graduation), and my research and writing works, and I’m gradually losing a room to breathe. It was also the case for today’s morning. I rushed out my home in Brooklyn, and got on the train. But, as expected, train never starts, because of snow. I and other passengers waited for more than 10 minutes, and finally changed a train from R to F line. First I felt worried to be late to the class (it takes more than an hour from Park Slope in Brooklyn to my campus at Washington Heights in Upper West Manhattan), but soon I found my mind changed. Who in the world has to be in hurry in so much in life? What is so much important? I decided, to just enjoy this train trouble, and let it go slowly. I open a book of a my favorite writer’s novel and poem and enjoyed it for a while, and when a dance performance on the train by a group of boys suddenly started, I closed the book, without feeling irritated, and just enjoyed their dance (it was good than I expected).



雪降りて 閑のとまりし メトロかな


Close to the year end / 思い出す間もなく

As early as November, NYC had already been filled with Christmas illumination, but now December, after Thanksgiving holidays, it is the season at last. M&Ms chocolate sold with a christmas package, L’Occitane and Sabon feature christmas special gift sets (soap, oil, perfume etc.) Performers at train, platform, and street play seasonal set lists. In the afternoon today, I met a group of four middle aged guys on a Manhattan bound R train. They sang a christmas song, which I must have heard before but don’t know the name of. They had a paper bag colored with red and green, I mean christmas color, to gather tips. I felt happy to know such a tiny, but seasonal work. Every time what impress me is such train performers clearly know the time from station to station. So they start singing a song at some point between the two stations so they can timely end the one when we get to the next station. Today was also the case, and ah, genius! they got off the train and immediately rode on the next car of the same train!
While I’m lining for the skating rink at the Rockefeller Plaza with her, suddenly people cheered out. I looked the rink and found a man gave an engage ring to his girlfriend, and made the marriage proposal. Everyone and I cheered and crapped hands loudly, and the chilly ring was filled with a full of joy. こういう公開プロポーズの類は、日本でもyou tubeの動画などで話題になり、また実際実行に移す人もちらほらいるのだろうが、どうなのだろう、公開プロポーズをその場に居合わせた人々が即座にかつ自然に受け入れ賞賛するだけの文化的素地というか、空気がこの街にはあり、実際周りの我々もハッピーな気分になるのだが、日本で実行に移すとなると少しズレがあるように思う。居酒屋でのサプライズ暗転&バースデーソング&ケーキのコンボはもはや定番となっており店員のテンションとアルコールも手伝って別に抵抗はないのだが、プロポーズとなると我々大和民族が実施するにはどこか気恥ずかしさやぎこちなさが伴うのではなかろうか。リップダブプロポーズなどは一時期ソーシャルメディアでも話題になっていて、どちらかというと男性が「こういうのやりたい!」とポジティブな反応をしていたのに対し、女性の反応は半々であった印象がある。「私もこういうプロポーズしてもらいたい…!」と感動している子もいれば「まじそういう男の自己満みたいなプロポーズ無理…」みたいなこと言ってる子もいた。男性諸氏は要注意であろう。

When I was waiting for an F train back to my home, I looked a different train car from usual one the other side of the platform. A man standing next to me said to his friend, “that is an original train, only this time every year running.” When I’m back home, I googled “MTA special train” and found it here. The Vintage train runs on the M line, every Sunday, November 25 to December 30. The classic style train matched well with dim lights and dirty railways of MTA.


First snow in NYC, one year after / 海をまたいだいくつかのこと、一年前の雪のことなど

When I woke up and saw outside, it’s snowing! Though tiny particles, and soon ended, it was the first snow this year I see in NYC. And, I realize, winter is really coming. Since I was in Europe last two weeks and these days were so busy (but exciting!), I didn’t enjoy enough autumn mood this year. And I realize, next month I will graduate Mailman. Almost one year ago, when I also saw the first snow in NYC in 2012, it was so hard time for me. Because of tough and intensive study in the first semester, and some other private issues, I was pretty depressed in that time. I could never imagine that I’m now enjoying the winter arrival in a rather moderate mind. Last year, I was overwhelmed with lots of new medical/clinical/biological terms and statistics. Also my English was not so good. Now, I see the points where my experience in field or issues in Japan can contribute to class discussion and give another perspective than other classmates have. Also, since each of us has shared foundation of public health theory and perspective, and experienced summer practicum in various place, I really enjoy learning from my classmates. Outside campus, gradually networks of those who are interested in northern east of Japan post-disaster activities are expanding, and I’m feeling seeds of further actions are growing. …School ends in December, and my time in NYC ends in March. I know the time and my capacity is limited, but I do strongly want, to do anything I can do for my friends, and my town NYC.

At late night I visited Dambo, before coming back to home in Park Slope, in Brooklyn, and met with Jake Price. We enjoyed one glass of beer and two plates of pizza at a nice bar, and then went back to his studio, and talked about his next trip plan to Fukushima, and his documentary project. Jake cannot speak Japanese well, but every time I met with him and saw how he communicate with local persons in Fukushima and Miyagi, I’m impressed with his passion, dedication, and sincerity to local persons and community. That’s why I feel like doing anything I can do to support him. Compassion connects people across countries over the sea, certainly.



海を越えての嬉しいことと言えば。他にも色々。夏に福島いわきでお世話になったおふたりが石巻・牡鹿旅行に行くということで、張り切ってオススメスポットを伝えたり、向こうの仲間を紹介したりして、無事会えて盛り上がったみたいで、それは本当に嬉しい。他方、学部の頃からずっとずっとお世話になっている人が、今の東北の諸々で協働している人と偶然会ったみたいで、首に下げているOCICAネックレスからmutual friendだということが分かって僕の話をしたようで、その旨双方からメールをくださって、これまたとにかく嬉しい。それから英語の方にも書いたけど、Jakeとブルックリンで久しぶりに会ってビールを飲み、彼の月末の福島の浪江訪問について相談に乗った。その時僕が身につけていたIIEの会津木綿ストールと、その物語をいたく気に入ってくれたらしく、是非会津にも行ってみたいと。会津の作りてさんが、世界に発信していきたいなんて言っていたけど、それは意外と早く本当のことになりそうだよ。



ちょうど一年前、同じように初雪をニューヨークで見たとき、僕はso depressedで。今こんな状態であることを当時の僕は想像もできないだろう。留学直後はやはり非常に大変であり、また個人的なことでも辛いことがあったので、雪を見ては涙を流してオロオロ生きていた。その時のことをどう整理して位置づけるか、というのは今はあまり意味がないことのように思う。ただとにかく、当時そんな状態の僕に対しても働きかけてくれた人々、向き合い言葉を交わしてくれた人々にはただただ頭が垂れ下がるような胸がぎゅっと締まるようなとにかく色んな思ひだ。

Leaders coming to NYC from Tohoku / 希望も可能性もまだまだそこかしこにあるなということとか

Still having lots of work, packing materials for that works, I rushed out Brooklyn in the afternoon, and went to Midtown East, Japan Society. It’s also chilly cold today. I’ll take a overnight bus to Boston tonight. Boston must be much colder, I don’t wanna think about it. Anyway, today, 5 leaders who are dedicating themselves to business and community development in Northern East of Japan after the disaster in 2011 came to Japan Society, and talked about their projects and stories to New Yorkers. I was invited to the meeting and had discussion with them. It is as usual and no longer I surprise, but we had lots of mutual friends in near fields. Also a person who guided the leaders was my friend from college. Well, it still needs time, money and man powers to reconstruct cities damaged by tsunami as a whole, but if we work from a micro, specific issue or field, we can make a good project or business quickly and flexible. People, products and stories can spread across countries over the sea, and we can collaborate together. Still not enough, and still it looks like tiny changes, but every time, social or structural renovation starts from small changes. Today, I also had good conversations and made new relationships. Further ideas are already floating in my head.


ところで今回の彼らのNY訪問をアテンドしていた財団勤務のスタッフがなんと学部時代からの友達で。Japan-ASEAN Student Conferenceという2010年の企画で一緒だった子。もはやこういう偶然の再会には驚かないので、自分のリアクションもだいぶ薄かったと思うけど、会合が終わって、それぞれの夕方の用事を済ませてから夕食を食べた。日本やASEANの友達の近況を知っている限り共有したり、お互いの久しぶりのアップデートをしながら、ジュニアーズでチーズケーキを食べた。


Need to settle on the ground / 夜を置き去りにして空かける

October is passing so fast, I cannot. believe it’s almost the end of the month… Though it is fortunate, honorable, and exiting that both my works and studies go well, and thatI have lots to do, I worry my breath, and therefore thoughts being shallower. Thus it was so good for me that one of my friend invited me to a Japanese tea ceremony. In a tatami-mat room, taking every step to be in a polite manner in that world, and having delicious tea, gave me both tension and comfortableness. Quietly listening to sound of water, and tea processing, I realized, I as a Japanese do need such a time. I love New York, but this town has a too quick tempo and rhythm, and if I won’t be careful, I easily lose a time and opportunity for meditation.

But ironically, immediately after quiet and slow time at the tea room, I rushed to the Newark International Airport to get on an airplane to London, for the purpose of my research trip on home nursing services in UK and Sweden, as my research job…! I should have done all of my preparation and midterm papers at school before the departure so I can enjoy movies, but it never happened. I brought a bunch of copies of documents necessary both for my research trip and solving midterm assignments on the plane, and needed to read. Well, anyway, I should enjoy. I’m at the same time an easy-going New Yorker not only a Japanese.


木村カエラのSwinging Londonとか頭の中で流しながら街を歩いた。





Fallen leaves, Stressless paperworks, Party@Brooklyn / 落ち葉拾い・この街の人たちはオトナだ

In the morning I cleaned up a street in front of my apartment building, gathering fallen leaves by bloom. Realizing, more and more autumn is deepening, I felt this kind of time, cleaning, is good for my mind. Living in NY, with much works and studies, tends to make my breath and thought shallow. Sometimes I need to stop by, breath deeply, and enjoy tiny but important daily houseworks.

Before going to campus, I stopped by 108th street Absolute Bagels, and bought and ate one bagel with salmon and cream cheese. I had heard about this store as one of the best bagel store in NY, but never had time to visit. As it was lunch time, a long line continued to out of the entrance. I waited for about 10 or 15 minutes to buy, but it was worth for that, tasty!

At Morningside campus, I visited ISSO to get signature to enable us to travel abroad during the semester, and also I asked about OPT, which enables us who graduating soon, to stay longer for job hunting. Then I visited the Language Resource Center to finish my paperwork to work as a language tutor. Though I was confused and sometimes stressed with such paperworks when I first came to NY last year, now I already have an idea to save time and finish as quick as possible them. Most of the time we are required to show same documents, such as I-20, I-9, Passport, SSN card, etc. If you forget to bring any of them, you need to visit there again and again. This time I brought all of them and the officer said ‘perfect!’

At night, we held a reception party at a building where I live now, in Park Slope, Brooklyn. Now I’m working as a staff at J-COLLABO, a New York-based NPO which facilitate collaboration between artists in Japan and NY, by inviting Japanese artists to NY or sending NY artists to Japan, and holding lots of cultural or educational events and performance. This year we moved our office to Brooklyn, and are opening a residential space and event space for artists’ use. Fundraising, cleaning, constructing the space, event staff etc. are my jobs. Our event space will open in December but tonight was a pre-opening party for announcement. Lots of artists (not only Japanese), and local people came and had good time with sake and food. Living in NY, not just studying at Columbia, give me such wonderful opportunity and meetings.


モーニングサイドキャンパスでこまごました事務仕事を終えてから、今年SIPAに来た日本人の友達と会ってほんの15分話をした。お互い次の用事があったのだけど、ちょうど同じdisaster management/preparednessの分野に関心があって、彼女からFBチャットが来て、ちょっとだけでも会おうかとなって、いそいそと。防災や災害対応はほんとに分野横断的で横串を刺す視点が必要なのだけど、コースワークでなかなかその要望が満たせるかというと難しく、自分らで色々機会を探したり作ったりしながら動かなきゃなんない。はぁ、もうすぐ卒業か。面白くなってきたんだけど、短い、短いよ。


NYで過ごしているとキャンパスの内外で、ほんとに色んな民族、職業、社会経済階層の人びとと交わっては別れを繰り返すのだけど、とりわけ好きだなと思うのが、「ニューヨークの日本人アーティスト」と一緒に時間を過ごすとき。このカッコに囲まれた3つの要素が相まって形作られる、彼らのなんとも言えないバランス感、人としての魅力。表現者としての自身の内的世界を追求しながらも、産業としてのアートの世界で経済的にも自立して稼いでいる人たちだから、independentという言葉がほんとうによく似合うし、ニューヨークの開放的な空気の中で生きている人に共通した絶妙なオトナの距離感とkindnessを兼ね備えていて. そこに同じ日本人としての共感?連帯意識?が少し注ぎ込まれて、僕との関係ができる。彼らは他人によっかからない。自分の力で生きていく、そういう前提を共有していて、だから他人の実力もフェアに評価する。だから僕に対しても自立した「大人」としての付き合いをしてくれて、そこでは年齢は関係なく、お互いにできることを持ち寄って仕事をするのだけど、なおかつそこにドライでもウェットでもない絶妙なレベルで「日本から来た元気な青年」に対するかわいがりを混ぜ込み、(期待してくれてるかどうかはわからないけど)色々なチャンスをくれるものだから、嬉しさとやる気で背筋が伸びる。僕も同様に、自立した大人としての気概・振る舞いと下っ端・弟分気質を混ぜ合わせて仕事に取り組む。




そう、現実はすごいのであって、現実の慌ただしさのおかげで生きていられるのだけど、ふと我に返ると不安と混乱と昔の色んなトラウマでmessed upである。なんてこった!

Happy Hour with Ethics class, 3-semester is too short / 駅のおじいさんを抱きしめたい

Today was the last day of Healthcare Ethics class by Professor Heather Butts. She’s a wonderful teacher and the class was the best for me this semester. Last week and today each of us did presentation on case each of us chose by ourselves, related to ethics. Each of classmate’s presentation was interesting. Those who had clinical background presented about some cutting edge surgical technology to deal with difficult condition with ethical dilemma caused by uncertainty on possibility to save or prolong life, difficulty in trials to evaluate, and ethical debate to justify it or not. Other one presented about HIV, introducing a video narratives by HIV patients on the advocacy website SERO.

Since I don’t have any clinical or medical background as specialist, all of their presentation was impressive for me. So, I, as a writer or community activist, thought how to contribute to this class, then chose one favorite movie “Never Let Me Go.” It is a story of three young persons, grown up in a isolated house “Hailsham.” In a fictional world where medical breakthrough achieved beyond 100 years human lifespan, they are told to keep them healthy, being told that “you are special,” but they exist only as organ donors for transplants and will die in their early adulthood. They are human clones, and have ‘originals.’ I touched those points (but didn’t go into details of the movie cos I really wanted them to watch it by themselves. Professor Butts also loved this movie, or original novel), and mentioned to three ethical perspective to judge social justice, utilitarianism, liberalism and communitarianism. I was happy to hear that they and professor enjoyed my presentation and some of them said “I will watch the movie.” Professor Butts told me she will put the novel as a reading material for the next year class.

As I liked this class so much, I suggested to the professor to have a happy hour after the last class, today. We went down Broadway, and entered one pub near the campus, and had beers and cocktails.

There was another guy in class who made presentation also focusing on philosophical theories or philosophers such as Socrates, Plato, or Spinoza. He is a film writer. I talked to him at the pub, and said we or our interests are not on the mainstream. Academic or scientific debate needs to cut each components as small as possible, with internally validate definition, but process of writing is opposite. We learn from and pick up lots of stuffs, and harmonize them into whole one context or story. But it’s still good for us to be in MPH program, cos we can learn from real-world, field practices, as I mentioned above. I think philosophy or ethics is a centerpiece of public health field, where theories and practice intersect, and that’s why at this ethics class, both of us physicians and writers can make good discussion.

I will graduate in this december (but may stay until March), and will be back to Japan for my new job from April. So they said “let’s have dinner before you go!” I felt so happy about that. At the same time, I felt 3-semester was too short. Especially for international student like me, the first semester was a terrible time. I was overwhelmed with courseworks (readings and exams), and didn’t have time to talk with classmates so much. Also, it took time to enable me to actively participate in class discussion and be accustomed with presentation, being relaxed. But from the second semester, I was gradually fit into the campus life or NY life, and rapidly made friends with them. But, oh my god, it’s already the final semester for me. If I had time more, I could know about my friends more… But anyway, time is irreversible, what I just can do is do my best in the limited time, and enjoy the time with friends.

そんなわけで、土曜日のHealthcare Ethicsの授業は今学期一番楽しい授業だったので、今日も良い日だったのだけど、昨日から開いた吉本ばななが尾を引いてか、内面は並行してstill messed upであった。そんな時に限ってやっぱり泣きたくなるような出来事は起こるわけで。それは42nd Street, Aトレインに乗り換えるPort Authorityのホームでのことでした。

階段からホームに降り立つと、背の低くて丸い身体のおじいさんが取り乱し気味に、”How can I get to Queens!? Tell me what to do!!”と言っている。聞くまでもなくここはQueens方面Uptownの電車が来るホームであり、それは看板にも書いてあるのだけど、そのおじいさんの様子を見るに、それはたぶん、彼がなんらかの精神疾患か障害かを抱えているゆえの不安と取り乱しであるようだった。


それで泣きそうになっていたら電車がやってきて、やっぱりおじいさんは”Is this train to Queens!? Tell me!”と不安がっていて、ドアの前でオロオロしている。僕は駆け寄って一緒に電車に乗り込み、肩を抱き支えながら、「大丈夫、大丈夫、きっとQueensへ行きます、信じましょう」と一緒にオロオロしたかったのだけど、あぁなんということだ、その電車はEトレイン!僕はこれからAトレインに乗って大学に行かなきゃならないのだ!

