Diary: 02/27/2013 Wed.

Struggled almost all day long with an essay assignment of policy analysis class, due on this Friday. It is often the case, we only start working at the last minute. Today I held a study session with friends and most of them were also struggling how to make an appropriate framework to analyse cases. Well, anyway, almost halfway done. Hopefully I will finish it by Friday evening.

Policy Analysisのエッセイの課題と格闘。金曜締め切り。早めに始めて、コツコツ進めて余裕もって完成させようと、2週間前には思っていたのですけど、あらま、もう2日前。間に合いはしますけど、なかなかこういう課題は億劫でござる。書き始めたらそれなりに早いのに、始めるまでが問題。