Diary: 10/07/2012 Sun.

Compared to a little warmer Saturday, suddenly it has been a cold day with rain. Soon my clothes for winter will be delivered from my home in Japan. I keenly wait for them.

Studied for Monday’s classes and finished homework for the course of Health and Behavior which deals with various behavioral and cognitive theory. The homework required us to analyze which kind of behavioral theories and constructs can be applied to this article(Kim Severson(September 24, 2010). Told to Eat Its Vegetables, America Orders Fries. The New York Times, Retrieved October 7, 2012 from: http://www.nytimes.com/2010/09/25/health/policy/25vegetables.html ) . It was interesting, but at the same time felt serious point that a report introduced in the article suggest that one of the reasons why Americans do not eat vegetables(that do not include French fries) is they do not have enough time and ability to cook vegetables at home and prefer to eat tasty and convenient foods sold at shops and restaurants. As the generation goes down and modernization progresses, the more activities that originally played by private family level including cooking become outsourced by industry. It seems to be, and to some extent it actually is, efficient and convenient. However if these process progress excessively, basic literacy and wisdom for human beings to live by themselves would be lost. Then what should they do if they were attacked by natural or man-made disaster and lost lifelines and convenient shops and restaurants? This is not only public health problem, but is a disease of modernization as a whole.


終日、予習をしたり宿題を進めたりした(あと溜まってた分の日記を書いたり…)。美術館にでも行こうかと思っていたけど、残念。来週どうにか時間を作りたい。宿題が出ていたのは、Health and Behaviorという授業で、行動主義心理学や認知心理学に関係する内容。人々が健康に良い、あるいは健康を害する行動をとる上での、態度や思考プロセスの形成過程・結果などを扱っている。学部生時代の専攻ではなかったが、参加していた読書会でよく扱った分野でもあり、見覚えある論理にしばしば出くわす。当時の勉強がちゃんと頭に入っているかはさておき…
で、New York Timesのこの記事(Kim Severson(September 24, 2010). Told to Eat Its Vegetables, America Orders Fries. The New York Times, Retrieved October 7, 2012 from: http://www.nytimes.com/2010/09/25/health/policy/25vegetables.html )が宿題の題材。アメリカ人がなっかなか野菜を食べないもんだから、その原因は何なのだろうってな調査の結果を紹介している新聞記事です。時間なかったので、紹介されている論文・レポートは参照出来ていないけど、記事に概要がまとめられていてなかなか面白いので英語いけるひとは良かったら読んでみてくださいな。