Diary: 09/05/2012

05 September 2012 Wed.

Emphasis on Integration
Today I had two lectures and an introduction session for a unique course, “Integration of Science and Practice.” Lectures were second sessions of “History of Public Health” and “Human Rights.” On the beginning of the session of “Human Rights,” the professor mentioned about the first session of “Ethics of Public Health” that held yesterday and showed connection in his lecture with her lecture. Also, the course “Integration of Science and Practice” emphasized the goal of this course “integration” through the process of case study in the course. We utilize our knowledge built through lectures to understand cases that really happened in history.
I hope, or am determined to realize that each piece of a puzzle will fit into right place and I will be able to see a whole picture some day.

Stuck with Reading…
The amount of reading materials vary in each course, or even in each session. Today, I became so exhausted after reading for Thursday sessions. Today I rarely had chance of talking with others, only ones were before and after the classes…
Well, I know time is limited. I need to structure my study plan, not on a day-to-day basis, but with a long term view of the semester. Make clear my priorities.



曇り空。先週より少し気温が下がってきたように感じる。今日の講義は2つ。”History of Public Health”と”Human Rights” 授業の開始時に、教授が他の授業に言及して、分野間の繋がりへの意識を喚起することがしばしば。全体の連関や統合性を意識してカリキュラムが構成されていることが伺われる。