Diary: 08/30/2012

30 August 2012 Thu

Washington Heights Tour
After a few introduction lectures and workshops, today we had a tour of Washington Heights, a district around our campus. Nowadays, in Washington Heights most of the residents are Dominican, but this area has a themeless history of various communities (firstly the area was started as a Jewish community, then for European immigrants, LGBT communities, for Latinos, or Hispanics and today). We started from the campus building, walked through residential building, a small park, streets with restaurants and shops, and then walked around the High Bridge Park. The park is by the Harlem River, and we can see The Bronx , northern most district of NYC over the river. Looking forward the Bronx at a higher point of the park, I was pretty impressed with the fact how widely towns continues in NYC even outside of Manhattan, and felt like going theere at some time.
A trail of the High Bridge Park was also nice. Seeing thickly grown trees and rugged granites, I felt difference of climate from that of my country. I often passed with people who are walking or running the trail. Here must be good place for exercise.
Going down the trail, finally we arrived at Morris-Jumel Mansion, the oldest house in NYC which was the headquarters of George Washington in the past, and had a welcome reception together with other tour groups.
On my litte regret, I forgot to bring my camera with me, but my eyes and ears enjoyed enough to feel air of the town.



いくつかのイントロの授業・グループワークを終えて、午後はWashington Heights(キャンパス周辺の地域。リンクはWikipediaの日本語記事だが内容は少なめ、興味ある方は英語記事参照のこと)の散策ツアー。ユダヤ系、ヨーロッパからの移民、LGBT、ヒスパニック…と時代ごとに異なる集団が集住していたらしい。今一番人口が多いのはドミニカ人とその子孫、という地域。確かに歩いていると、キャンパスから北上するにつれスペイン語が聞こえる頻度が高くなる。
キャンパスの図書館前に集合して出発。住宅地を抜け、公園を通り、大通りを抜けて、最後に川沿いのHigh Bridge Parkへ。Harlem River沿いのこの公園は、川向うにすぐBronx(New York City最北端の地域)が見える。公園の標高は高く、Bronxの街並みを一望出来た。いい眺め。そのうち向こうにも行ってみよう。
最後はMorris-Jumel Mansionで、他のツアーグループもみんな集合してレセプション。これは、イギリス植民地時代からある古い建物で、George Washingtonが独立戦争時に総司令部に使っていたらしい。一度再建されているから、当時そのままではないが、外観・内装は再現しているそうな。ここも、なかなか眺めが良かった。